Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Directline Holidays are using Twitter in a far better way

The lastminute.com-twitter debate is still rumbling on.

And it seems the floodgates are beginning to open.

This morning we have had two new followers to the Travolution Twitter account - Devon Hotels and Directline Holidays.

Devon Hotels is using the service very much like lastminute.com, plugging deals etc.

But Directline Holidays appears to using it in a different way, throwing random thoughts about travel into the ether.

The only problem they have, and need to rectify soon, is that the last update was March this year!

So based on the Twitter idea of responding to the question "What are you doing?", some might construe that the only answer from Directline over the past few months was "not a lot"!

Kevin May, editor, Travolution

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