Learning to dance in Second Life
Okay. Curiosity got the better of Travolution last night, so we decided go into Second Life for the first time in months to take a look at the new ship belonging to Costa Cruises.
The virtual version Costa Serena, which was launched yesterday at the same time as its counterpart in a real dock in Marseille, is moored alongside a passenger terminal on one of the many islands.
[It is easy to find: type "Costa" into the Search tool and the site currently appears in third position]
See below for some screen grabs from our little adventure, which culiminated with a bit of a boogie - courtesy of a very accommodating fellow Second Lifer who patched us some of the best moves - in the ship's discotheque.
We were also on the receiving end of a rather cold shoulder from one of the Costa crew members, who didn't take kindly to being asked some questions about the ship.
Altogether, a rather bizarre experience...Kevin May, editor, Travolution
The mind boggles Kevin. Perhaps you could host the after-awards party in SL next year?
MLF: Good idea! On-board the ship!
I hasten to add that I have never danced like that before.
But I am truly grateful to Bevan Whitfield for patching me through the, er, moves.
Dear Kevin,
Glad you enjoyed your cruise ship disco moment! I enjoyed showing you the SL dance moves ;-)
Much more to see and do.
All my best, Bevan
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