Thursday, March 22, 2007

Travolution@MediaGuardian Summit - TypingGate scandal

Antony Mayfield from Spannerworks is here and has already got himself into trouble.

Our man with the heavy fingers irritated a fellow delegate by bashing away on his laptop during one of the sessions this morning.

Word of his dastardly crime is spreading amongst the assembled bloggers in the room. puts its very well:

"And possibly some conference controversy as Antony Mayfield was asked to 'stop typing' by a delegate who appears not to understanding someone might be blogging a conference about changing media… Perhaps she didn’t get the memo."
Antony come to terms with his misdemeanor here.

Back to the conference...

Kevin May, editor, Travolution


Amelia said...

They weren't really set up for bloggers (ironically) Looking for powerpoint outlets as my battery died - those did not exist. Hoped that they might ask people to list their blogs so that I could start to take a look at other people's thoughts and get involved in their discussions too.
Anyway, all in all I still thought it was a good, smart day out of the office

Anonymous said...

As I've pointed out elsewhere, the person who spoke to Anthony may have had auditory processing disorder (APD). This is a hidden disability and most people don't know they have it. It's uncurable so the only thing that really helps is the understanding of other people.