Sunday, June 01, 2008

300 members - and no advertising

We have written in the past about the scepticism surrounding the use of social networking sites for branding.

Ian McCaig of is a passionate supporter of this point-of-view.

But I have just realised that Travolution has just attracted its 300th member to its Facebook group.

This is with no marketing at all - just a mention on the blog last year!

A free and easy presence.

If you want to join, go to the page and become a member.

Kevin May, editor, Travolution


Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin,

What about your RSS readers? Do you count them as well through Feedburner. Surely they should count in the hundreds (I feature among those using RSS reader Netvibes).


Hotel Blogs

Travolution Blogger said...

the 300 members is just the number of those that belong to the travolution group on FB.

we do not publicly share blog traffic.

Anonymous said...

RSS readers is not about traffic. It is about how many loyal readers like me read your posts on an RSS reader platform such as NetVibes or iGoogle. Techcrunch UK for example displays less than 9,000 readers. It doesn't mean they get 9,000 visits per day. It's probably 10/15 times this actually.