Priceline does a Farecast
Farecast - the air ticket trend site - has made quite a splash in the US, although the concept has yet to catch on here in the UK.
So Priceline has announced a similar piece of functionality, known as Inside Track.
Innovative, flexible, consumer-focused and price-led tool.It seems that OTAs are now beginning to look at the whizzy functionality created by the so-called Travel 2.0 start-ups in the US and take the best bits.
This is where it might get tricky - or, alternatively, open up new opportunities - for the Silicon Valley types.
If the big boys begin to wade in with their own nifty tools and tricks, start-ups will be forced to innovate once again. Which can be good (they will always have first-mover advantage) or bad (they run out of ideas).
Kevin May, editor, Travolution
Technorati tags: priceline farecast silicon valley
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Anonymous: Spam. Irrelevant to the conversation.
I HATE HATE HATE Priceline. I tried booking a hotel in Seattle,WA (4star) for $145. Well they didn't accept my offer and so I switched it to a 3 star which would have been fine. My husband and I have stayed in a 3 star before in Seattle,WA with no problems. $145 was a little high but I figured they would get you a nicer hotel if you offered a little more. Boy was I wrong. They gave me a piece of crap little hotel that is on the scary outskirts of downtown Seattle, if it can even be considered downtown. And to top it off this hotel offers cheaper prices from their website than priceline does. So I emailed them with my concern and they of course are not going to help me in the least bit. They said their site clearly states that they do not give refunds or change any part of your reservation, but how can they get away with this. Isn't that kind of LYING to say it is a 3 star hotel when it clearly isn't or to say you are booking in a downtown hotel and you are on the very edge or not even downtown. It seems fraudulent. Does anyone have any advice for me? I don't want to pay for this room when it is not what I was promised!!! Any advice would help!!!
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