Dabbling in contentious issues
Travel companies very rarely take a stand on political issues (apart from environmental ones, which they are forced to by default).
In fact, it is about as likely as a motion being passed at the Labour Party Conference actually having an impact on government policy... but that's another story.
So somewhat refreshing - depending on your point of view - to see WAYN sticking their necks out and joining a protest in London against whaling in Japan.
Marketing boss Annika Erskine (in the WAYN t-shirt) is pictured here with Margaux Dodds of Marine Connection, organisers of the march.The question is this, however: does WAYN really care about this issue or is this just a smart piece of branding considering its target demographic?
I suspect we might trigger some comments here.
Kevin May, editor, Travolution
Technorati tags: wayn dolphin whale japan protest
I'd like to think that WAYN were there to really help, but I cannot help but think that it was a marketing stunt.
Please remember the 65,471 WAYN member signatures we were there to hand over - we genuinely hope the weight we could add to their campaign makes a difference.
Cheers all!
how did you promote the campaign?
Mainly on-site with links to our Club Section where the members could vote, and newsletter updates. Members could invite their friends to sign too so it spread pretty quickly. The response to the Campaign was overwhelming to the point we have a section of the site dedicated to 'Make a Difference' within the WAYN Club now.
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