Virals and High Streets
A couple of intriguing press reports today on trends of the online world and the effect on consumers.
The Media Guardian today [needs registration] reports that the world of viral marketing may not be having the effect on consumers advertising wanted.
Travel companies have been urged in recent months to embrace the so-called Web 2.0 tools such as MySpace, YouTube in order to reach the next generation of consumers.
But research by viral marketing experts Kontraband suggests over half (53%) of consumers do not actually grasp the fact that they are on the receiving end of a commercial message.
Good or bad? Depends on what you're trying to sell, highlight or promote...Not much chance of anonymity with campaigns on YouTube by Cheapflights in recent months, but Kontraband singled out recent efforts by Reebok and another by Virgin Money as being poor examples.
Meanwhile a front-page splash in today’s Metro reveals that the traditional High Street retailer is on the receiving end of a massive surge to online shopping, with an estimated 2,000 small shops closing each year.
Verdict Research claims total high street spending fell to £122.3 billion in 2005 as UK online consumers spent £8.2 billion, an average of £560 million per head and an increase of almost £130 in three years.
Kevin May, editor, Travolution
Well Kevin, we've loaded our first " Video" attempt or is it classified as a viral? We hope you've got broadband to watch it with!! you can see our first attempt at, let us know what you think of our First " Viral"
nice work, select world travel.
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