Thursday, October 06, 2005

Shoddy websites ignoring online shoppers

More than six out of ten consumers are being snubbed by websites which are ignoring their needs and failing to provide sufficient help to complete a purchase, a suvey has shown.
The study by eService provider Transversal revealed that 66% of consumers could not find anwwers to key questions with virtually all subsequently abandoning the transaction.
It underlines how the retail and services industries are still struggling to engage consumers despite the explosion of online sales.
"This is the eqivalent of staff in a shop turning their backs on customers and ignoring their questions," said Transversal chief excecutive Davin Yap.
The survey found that 94% of consumers log off due to a lack of information with 66% heading straight to a competitors site in the hope of obtaining more help. Almost all those questioned said they would be likely to book again through a helpful site while half demanded the information instantly as they spend less than two minutes searching a site.
"These shocking results must act as a wake-up call for British business," said Yap. "With UK onine spending predicted to hit £19.6 billion this year, companies need to deliver the same level of service online as they would in a physical shop, or rosk losing significant revenue.
"To be successful they need to improve the experience for consumers on their websites and provide the answers trhey need, when they need them."

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